isibindi smallSuccess Story



Family Case Study

*Not the real names

Family Name: Mvandaba

Children :Sinoxolo Mvandaba (Female, 12 yrs)

Alungile Mvandaba (Male, 8 yrs)

Azola Mvandaba (Female, 6 yrs)

Mother  Nokwanda (43 yrs)


 Family situation before intervention 

Sinoxolo is Nokwanda’s daughter, and Alungile and Azola are Nokwanda’s grandchildren but their mother’s whereabouts are unknown.

The CYCW intervened in this family because Nokwanda was very sick as she had defaulted her ARV treatment. There was no one to support her and her children as she was bed ridden. Sinoxolo was in grade 5, Alungile in grade 2 and Azola was in grade R but the children did not attend school regularly and sometimes the family went to sleep with empty stomachs. The house was very dirty and the only person who was taking care of the grandmother and the children was 12 year old Sinoxolo. The family survived with the child support grant for the three children.

The family had no relationships with their neighbours and relatives and when the CYCW asked Nokwanda to talk to her relatives about her health situation, she refused saying that their neighbours and family members always judged and discriminated against them regarding her health condition.


 Impact of services 

The CYCW visited the local clinic to ask for help. She also talked to the health community based workers and asked them to visit the family because Nokwanda was unable to walk. In the interim, the CYCW advocated for Nokwanda to receive a treatment while waiting for the health workers to visit. She asked the clinic to donate some instant porridge as Nokwanda was very weak. The health workers visited the family and assisted the CYCW to organise transport for Nokwanda as she needed to visit the clinic for a CD4 count and other medication. Nokwanda received her medication and the CYCW visited regularly to monitor Nokwanda’s treatment. Whilst visiting, the CYCW did treatment literacy so that Nokwanda understood how to take her treatment and the importance of compliance.

The CYCW visited the family every morning to prepare the children for school and to make sure that they had something to eat. She also assisted them with their school work.

The CYCW did school visits to check on the progress of the children. Sinoxolo’s class teacher mentioned that Sinoxolo was not coping well in the classroom and was always angry, isolated herself and did not do her homework. The CYCW explained the family situation so that the teachers understood why she was behaving that way. The CYCW exchanged contact numbers with the class teachers of Sinoxolo, Alungile and Azola.

The CYCW taught the children how to clean the house and wash their clothes. She also involved the children in Safe Park activities. Sinoxolo attended the Adolescent Development Program, and Alungile and Azola attended the ECD programs. Sinoxolo learnt how to socialise with others and this helped her to stop fighting with her peers.

IMG 2635The CYCW introduced a memory box to the family. They were very interested in the Memory Box so the CYCW taught them how to use it and explained its importance. She also encouraged Nokwanda to build relationships with her family members and neighbours and Nokwanda said she would think about it. All three children were tested for HIV/AIDS and their results were negative.

The CYCW and the social worker are still looking for Nokwanda’s elder daughter. The family is coping better and Nokwanda is taking her treatment on a daily basis, under supervision of the CYCW. The house is clean and the children are doing well at school. Sinoxolo is in grade 6, Alungile grade 2 and Azola grade1.


 Future plans 

The CYCW introduced budgeting but it isn’t in place yet. She will make sure that the family budget every month and will assist the family in joining a funeral policy and find the mother of two children. The CYCW will continue working intensively with the family until Nokwanda is fit enough and independent.